Mulching is an essential part of home gardening. There are diverse types of mulch that you can use, and each one has its benefits. Choosing mulch color and knowing when to add mulch can make your plants healthy. Mulch is suitable for every season. During summertime, it can help the soil retain moisture, and it protects it from direct sunlight that can harm the roots of plants.
Mulching can stop weeds from growing by blocking light going to the soil and preventing weeds from sprouting. Once mulch breaks down, it can boost the soil’s fertility that can aid plant growth.

Important Note:
While mulch can offer numerous advantages, you must not overdo it. Make sure that it only reaches the right depth of 2 to 4 inches thick. Thicker mulch can prevent the soil from getting enough oxygen.
Types of Mulch
Gardeners can choose from organic and inorganic mulch.
- Organic mulch comes with natural materials in different colors to add beauty to your garden. Organic mulches break down and provide nutrients in the soil.
- Inorganic mulch is composed of human-made materials or stones that effectively control weeds’ growth and decorative purposes.
Less Mess Black Bark Mulch (Only Available in Southern Ontario)
The Right Time to Mulch
During the spring season, you must always check the mulch’s thickness and add some once it gets thinner. If you own a large garden area that you need to put mulch, you may consider getting a reliable mulch supplier. At the start of the fall season, recheck the mulch and add some if necessary. This added mulch can regulate soil temperature during winter months.
The following are the best tips from professionals for choosing a mulch color that is good for your garden soil.
1. Shredded Bark
One of the most common organic matters that you can use is shredded barks. This matter is the best for choosing a mulch color because it slowly breaks down. Aside from that, it is eco-friendly as it is a by-product of diverse industries. However, always check its origin to make sure that it is free from any chemicals. If you buy shredded barks, always read and check the label for additional information.
2. Straw
Choosing mulch color from straw is an excellent addition to your garden because of its golden color. Also, it slowly breaks down like barks. You may select straw in different sizes, from smaller to larger pieces. Straws are often used in practical gardens like vegetable gardens and beneath strawberry plants. It is best to keep mud away from edible products. Some straws might have weeds in it, so make sure that it is free from harmful weeds before using them as mulch. Oat straw is most of the time weedy.
3. Compost
Compost is very similar to the look of the soil with its dark color. Choosing a mulch color from compost can easily break down and adds to your soil’s structure. One can produce their compost using leaves and grass clippings, while some municipality gives away compost for free. It is ideal to use a compost bin if you want to start doing compost, and it takes time, so it is good to begin early. Also, find the right place to do compost around the garden that is away from pests.
4. Pines or Cedar Chips
This chip from pines or cedar takes more time to break down than shredded bark, but it may easily wash away during heavy rains. These chips effortlessly float, so choosing mulch color from pines and cedar requires larger chips to stay longer.
5. River rocks and stones
Choosing mulch color that can add to your garden’s beauty is best done with rocks as it comes in various shades and sizes. These are not organic matter, so they will not break down at all. The benefits of stones are keeping lightweight mulch to stay longer on top of the soil, but too many stones are not acceptable. Stones tend to absorb heat, so it is not suitable during the summer season. If you want stones because of their colors, then you may cover the soil using landscaping fabric before putting it.
Important Note:
Mulching can affect the soil’s pH level, and pH is an essential factor for plant health. It is good to know that the acidity level of a particular organic matter. For instance, using pine needles and oak may increase the acidity of the soil. However, an expert from the University of Illinois named David J. Williams believes that the decomposing process makes the end product alkaline.
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